• 2020-03-17

“STOKE PAINT by CTAG” Looking for product tester

“STOKE PAINT by CTAG” Looking for product tester

“STOKE PAINT by CTAG” Looking for product tester 1001 707 CTAG

※ product tester 企画 は2020年8月末日をもって終了しております。ご了承ください。

CTAG では、ミューラル・アーティスト専用塗料 STOKE by CTAG のインプレッションをフィードバックしてくださるミューラリストを募集しております。




<STOKE の特長>

まず、期待耐用年数は12年~16年(一般的なシリコンペンキで10年程度)となります。ドイツ最大の化学メーカーBASFの光安定剤「Tinuvin (チヌビン)®」を配合することで耐候性、耐久性を大幅に向上しました。また、シリコン濃度を汎用シリコン樹脂塗装の4倍と大幅にアップすることで緻密で強靭な塗膜を形成し、紫外線に負けない耐候性を発揮。これにより、汚れが付着しても雨水で徐々に流されるハイレベルな低汚染性も実現しました。

NET 16L or 4L
GROSS 100% 70% 50% 30% 0%

Announcing STOKE by CTAG, a paint exclusively for Mural artists.

We want you to tell us what you think about it. We are waiting for a call from a mural artists.

For example basic colors such as RED / BLUE / YELLOW / GREEN / BLACK / WHITE, 17 colors of SDGs, RV part number of MTN94(Approximate color), etc. We can make various adjustments for you.

* Current development status is RC version

If you and us can agree on the terms, we can sell good price.

Please feel free to contact us.

<About product features>

The expected service life is 12 to 16 years. Contains light stabilizer “Tinuvin®” from BASF, Germany’s largest chemical manufacturer. Significantly improved weather resistance and durability. Silicon concentration is 4 times that of general-purpose silicone resin coating. Forming a dense and tough coating film by greatly increasing. Demonstrates weather resistance comparable to UV rays. Achieved a high level of low pollution that is gradually washed away by rainwater even if dirt adheres.

NET 16L or 4L
GROSS 100% 70% 50% 30% 0%